Cherry Blossom 10 Miler Training
Getting ready for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler 2015? Have you trained properly? It's probably too late to work on your training for this year's race, but here are some good training tips for 2016 Cherry Blossom run.
Proper planning is essential to your success. This is a great chance to test
yourself and set goals. It's a new challenge that requires complete focus,
dedication, and hard work. In addition to regular training, you'll need to come
up with a diet plan and eat the correct nutrition. Even if you come from a good
level of fitness, you still need to train hard and adjust your diet along the
way. This is a 10 miler training plan designed for beginners and
intermediate runners that will help you conquer the run.
Assess Your Goals
Make sure you have the motivation necessary to train for and
then run a 10 mile race. If you lack determination and perseverance, you will
eventually give up. Assess your goals and find your inner drive. Create a
training routine that fits into your schedule, stick to your diet, and track
your progress. This could be one of the most rewarding moments you will
experience in life, so it's worth the effort.
Build Up Your Fitness Level
Running can be a challenging activity that puts stress on your
joints. If you train too hard or too long, you could end up with an injury.
Thus, it's important to prepare yourself ahead of time. Focus on building your
endurance level, run every day, and get proper rest. Increase mileage and
intensity by up to 10 percent a week. Professional athletes can handle high
levels of training because they've taken years to get there. If you're not use to distance running, give your body enough time to adjust to your running routine.
Stick to your training routine and resist the urge to add miles.
Get Proper Rest
Rest and training are equally important. Try to sleep at
least seven hours a night and take naps if needed. Your muscles grow and
recover while you sleep. Without proper rest, you'll feel exhausted and lose
your motivation when you run 7-10 miles. If you train hard several days in a row,
you'll become progressively more tired. Proper recovery is essential to your
mental and physical health.
Set Small Goals
The Cherry Blossom race is the premier 10 miler in the nation and having a purpose for each training run should be easy. Your training routine should
include both hard runs and recovery runs. Many athletes make the mistake of
training too hard on their easy days, which may lead to injuries and illness.
If possible, simulate race conditions and practice for the terrain you’ll face
on the big day. Take walk breaks to stay energized and relax your muscles. '
Eat Well
The benefits of good nutrition shouldn't be overlooked. Your
diet can make the difference between success and failure. If you want to run
your best, make sure you're eating the right foods. Eat simple sugars
immediately after training to replenish muscle and liver glycogen stores. Those
who can't eat right away should have a glucose energy replacement drink or an
energy bar. Remember to drink up to six ounces of water every 15 to 20
More than 50 percent of your daily calories should come from
complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, quinoa, vegetables, and certain
fruits. These foods provide lasting energy and support muscle repair. For
optimal results, eat protein and complex carbs before running.
Fill the other half of your plate with lean protein like
chicken, turkey, beef, cottage cheese, legumes, and beans. Aim for one to one
and a half grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Don’t forget about fats -
add nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut oil, and olive oil to your diet. Essential
fatty acids keep your heart health, increase energy levels, and ward off
diseases. A diet low in fats can slow your metabolism and increase hunger.
For a longer training run, have a snack to keep your energy
levels topped up. Opt for trail mixes, berries, yogurt, mixed seeds, fruit
smoothies, and sandwiches. Avoid training on a full stomach. You can either
have breakfast before setting off on your run, or eat a high-carb snack. Avoid
strict diets before the race. At this point, your body needs energy. It's not
the best time to skip meals and eliminate food groups from your diet.
Stay Organized
Come up with a training routine that matches your goals and
fitness levels. Make sure it includes a weekly long run as well as daily runs.
Warm up and stretch your muscles before all sessions. You can even plan a route
with friends who support you. Break down the distance into smaller segments
such as the first three miles, the middle five, and the final two miles. Keep
reminding coursed how short the remaining distance is.
Watch Your Health
Listen to your body and take short breaks if needed. Take
the rest days on the schedule. If you feel severe pain or experience unusual symptoms,
stop training. Those who are overweight or have special health conditions may
need more time to reach 10 miles in their training routine.
Make Training Fun
This 10 mile training plan will help you focus on gradually building up your stamina and endurance for the Cherry blossom race. This training and race day will be similar to training for a marathon. Any speed-work workout that’s appropriate for beginners or intermediate runners would do, but I’m suggesting an easy workout: 2 minute intervals. After a good warmup, you run hard for two minutes, at about 70 to 80% effort, then you jog for two minutes. Repeat several times, leaving about five minutes for a jogging cool down.
If you wanted to, you could even add on a few weeks and use this as a half marathon training plan, or follow this exactly if you think you could push through the last 5K of a half marathon without having run more than 10 miles during training.
So hope for good weather, take in the Nation's Capitol scenery and enjoy the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler!
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